Saturday, December 18, 2010

Mary On My Mind

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]The Virgin Mary, baby Jesus, and angels in heaven.[/caption]

Mary Did You Know?

I think I mentioned that I am playing Mary (mother of Jesus) tomorrow at church. I've been thinking of Mary a lot lately because of this part that I have in the Advent monologues. Having to memorize "Mary's lines" helps me to remember what is truly important. Allow me to practice my lines with you.....

" How can I even begin to tell you what I saw in Jesus? Even before he was born my life was filled with wonder and amazement!.....I was visited by an angel. Such power and authority! And yet there was such gentleness as he shared with me the expression of God's love.

And then there was Joseph. He was incredible throughout all these events. Of course, he had questions and concerns but, he always responded to me with such love. I know that his own visit from an angel had a lot to do with that.

There are so many things that I remember...and I hold those  moments close to my heart. Because to be honest with you, most of Jesus' life didn't make sense to me.....until it was finished.

Jesus, he always thought of others before himself....I remember when we went to a wedding feast. Jesus changed the water into wine because he didn't want the wedding host to be humiliated. Then there was the Samaritan woman at the well. He reached out to her with such love, I can't even describe it! He even loved Peter, a man who had denied knowing him, multiple times! And yet, love and forgiveness were his.

Then there was the cross.....the cross. Even on the cross Jesus was so full of love, and thinking of others. He didn't want me to worry about how I'd be taken care of, so he said, ' John, take care of my mother.' And to me he said, ' Mother, treat John as if he is your son.'

As he hung on the cross, with his life slipping away, he still had such love--- and was putting others before himself. I heard him say, ' Father, forgive them!'.................... and to the thief on the cross next to him he said, ' Today I will see you in paradise.'

And then it made sense. I understood. Love. God's love. Jesus was a demonstration of God's love to this world. He was born, and he lived, and he died, and he rose again as an expression of God's love to me! And as an expression of God's love to each of you! God's love.....that is what Jesus is all about. "

This certainly puts Christmas in perspective. Doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Interesting to see how faith and fervour mix! Given your Christian background, how would you see alternate views on the birth of Christ in other parts of the world? E.g.

    Best wishes & happy holidays
