Saturday, January 1, 2011


[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]New York Times Square New year celebrations in...[/caption]

Last night, I watched the people in Times Square, New York. That is as close as I ever want to be to NYC on New Years Eve. Seriously. When I was much younger, I enjoyed going out on New Year's Eve and celebrating. Those days are gone. I am now old. I've embraced this fact.

1. First of all, I tend towards claustrophobia. I would start freaking out if I had to stand in that crowd.

2. Number two, and most importantly...where do people go to the bathroom in Times Square? This is a HUGE consideration for me, as God gave me a temperamental bladder.

3. I feel for the poor people that have to clean up all the confetti/ticker tape. Can you imagine the mess from all that?

4. At midnight everyone in Times Square was kissing. I wonder if they were kissing people they knew? Or just whoever was around? Just sayin'. People get caught up in the excitement and might go on a crazy kissing jag. That could be embarrassing. Or not:)

5. Here, back at the ranch, my husband was already in bed...sound asleep. He wished me a happy new year before hitting the sack.  The kids, my father-in-law, and I brought in the new year in the comfort of the living room. After wishing everyone a Happy New Year, I went to bed.

6. I have not made any formal resolutions. I'm very goal oriented anyway, so I will just keep plugging along...and that way I won't break any resolutions. Makes sense, right? Resolutions...yada, yada, yada,

7. I like watching the news on New Year's Day. All the trends from last year...the big news stories... As morbid as it is, I'm always intrigued by who died the previous year.

8. I don't watch the Rose Bowl parade or any football games. Don't hate me.

That's all I've got right now.

The family is going to a New Years get together today. Food, fellowship, and fun. A great way to start 2011.


1 comment:

  1. I always wondered the same thing about the crowds at NYC...about restrooms, I mean!!! Can there possibly be enough??
    My hubby is always asleep by midnight as well, a hard worker for his family he is.
