Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Do Me A Favor?

I've been blogging for a little over a year and have really enjoyed it. The writer in me is having a ton of fun. So here is the deal....My husband fixed me up with a blog map so that I could see the places that people are logging on at to read my blog. It is so cool! I have readers all over the United States, Canada, Poland, and Australia. I'd really love to have my readers make comments just to say hi and tell me how they came across my blog and the state or country they are from. Thanks!


  1. Hi! My name is Jessica. I'm from the state of Texas in the US of A. I came across your site when my Dad, your husband, Scott, sent me the link. I have a confession. I look forward to your posts, and days when there are none make me blue.... even when you're at my house!! LOL LOVE YOU!

  2. Thanks Dawn. You have given us lots of interesting things to read and think about. We are glad that you and Scott are working togather to raise your family and are help mates for each other.

    Uncle Don & Aunt kitty in Denver, CO

  3. Hi Dawn! I read your blog almost everyday here in Dover Pennsylvania. I look forward to them. Helps make my work day go faster! I really enjoy the opportunity to hear what is going on in your life. Please keep sharing.
