Saturday, November 6, 2010

With A Thankful Heart

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Proclamation for a General Thanksgiving by Gov...[/caption]

As we are heading into the Thanksgiving season, I am taking time to think on those things that I am thankful for. In the midst of life's urgent moments, frustrations, and chaos, it is good to slow down and remind oneself to take pause and say thank you. Each of us has much to be grateful for...

1. My very real relationship with Jesus Christ. It is because of this relationship that all other things make sense.

2. God's Patience with me. For all the times I mess up, and yet He loves me.

3. My heavenly Father's faithfulness. I can always count on Him.

4. God's blessings. He has blessed me in ways that I do not deserve.

5. Family...that loves me. People that love me through thick and thin. Through the smiles and the tears.

6. New friends. Old friends.

7. For Saturdays

8. Full Moon

9. Getting to sleep in.

10. Rainy days with a good book.

11. That bad days usually don't last.

12. Beautiful Fall leaves.

13. Being ABLE to exercise. For hands and feet and legs and arms that work.

14. Hot chocolate.

15. Quiet times.

16. For my blogging buddies. Getting to see their lives through their eyes. For making me laugh out loud:)

17. Warm clothes.

18. A husband that loves me. That reminds me that he is here ALWAYS.

19. For being a mom.

20. For healthy, funny, nerve wracking, nutty, confusing children.

21. A family that loves me. When I'm mother of the year, or a pain in the neck.

22. A mother who loves me.

23. In-laws that accept me, and love me.

24. Good memories.

25. My health.

26. That all sadness usually passes.

27. I am even thankful for the hard times, the sad times, the painful times....because, it is in light of these times that everything else seems so much sweeter.

28. Church

29. Connections

30. Being able to help special needs individuals.

31. Love

32. Feeling useful.

33. My computer.

34. Sunrises/Sunsets

35. Seasons of the year

36. Seasons of life

37. Prayer

38. Pets

39. Classic movies

40. My country.

41. The privilege of voting.

42. Freedom.

43. Flavored coffee in a favorite mug.

44. Forgiveness.

45. Having yet another day to be thankful.

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