Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Decision Points

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="197" caption="Cover of Decision Points"]Cover of "Decision Points"[/caption]

I am in the process of reading President Bush's new book, Decision Points.

Now some, reading my blog, might not like George W. Bush. That is fine. You are entitled to your opinion, and I am entitled to mine. If you can't stand to hear about him then I suggest you not read my blog today. It would just upset you. And I love my readers, and I don't wish for anyone to be angry, so I'm giving you fair warning.

With that on to my blog.

1. I am enjoying watching Bush's interviews.

2. It is nice to see the president as a real person.Who laughs. Who tears up. Who tells a joke. Things we couldn't really see while he was in office.

3. He is an opinionated guy. I like that.There is nothing wishy washy about him. Love him or hate him. He is who he is.

4. I think he has a big heart.

5. As president he had to make decisions that weren't always popular. And he had to live with those decisions.

6. That is just part of being the president.

7. I wouldn't want the job..."the buck stops here" is hard to handle at times, I'm sure.

8. He can tell a good story. I've laughed through parts of the book.

9. He does love God. His family. This country. The military. And Texas!

10. He isn't perfect. There are some policies that I disagreed with on, while he was in office...but, I genuinely like the man.

I guess that is it for now. If you get the opportunity you should read his book. I think you'll like it.


1 comment:

  1. He's a man like any other man. I liked some of the things he did and disliked others. As a whole, I respect the office of the Presidency and I voted for him. At present I dislike Democratic leaders and Republicans alike, but I dislike Republicans more. So many people out of work and they want to focus on tax breaks for companies. People are hungry and hurting. I fail to comprehend.

    Bush was good on Leno.
