Sunday, February 8, 2009

Obama Lied

I was reading some news reports on Mr. Obama today. I almost (but not really) feel sorry for him. From the looks of some of the pictures of him, he looks grim. I think he realizes that just because he is a smooth doesn't make him a good president. I think he realizes (in just a few short weeks) that he is in way over his head....being a community organizer and a sometimes "present" and sometimes not, senator isn't enough real world experience to be leader of the free (and we hope it stays that way) world. Mr. Grim Reaper is telling Americans that we are basically going down in flames. I think words like "catastrophe" and "it will only get worse" are being thrown around. Could it be, just maybe, that his intention IS to scare people out of their wits so that they give him the big okay to pass this HUGE pork-a-palooza? Me thinks something stinks....and it smells like roasting pig. HELLO! Is money for refurbishing offices, big plans for how to deal with STD's, or any number of other ridiculous things going to REALLY help our economy? Let me see.....I believe the answer is a big resounding NO!
The new chant on many, many of the comments to these news articles I read is, "Obama lied. The economy died! Obama lied. The economy died!"
We have change alright. Just not the change we need and certainly not the change we want.

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