Friday, August 8, 2008

What To Say

I've mentioned in previous blogs that I like to read self help books. Last night my sister in law reminded me about this book by Shad Helmstetter. It's called WHAT TO SAY WHEN YOU TALK TO YOURSELF. No, it's not a book on mental illness or hearing voices. It's a book about our INTERNAL voice. You know what I mean....that voice that everyone has...the voice that tells you whether you are good enough, whether you have what it takes, whether you are smart or not, whether you are capable and on and on. Even those of us that grew up in positive family environments and have pretty good self esteem, still have the voice. Whenever it is time to attempt something new we wonder if we can be successful at it....or whether we'll fall flat on our face. It's scary....but you know what? That's life. We all have choices to make about the kind of life we will lead. In order to grow it takes courage. Courage to push out of your comfort zone, courage to try something new and unknown, courage to want more then you're currently getting in life. The truth is that this is the only life you've got...and it truly is up to you to make it what you'd like for it to be. Sure, we all have obstacles. We all have people that might be standing in the way of our dreams. (maybe on purpose, maybe not) But ultimately it's up to YOU. I for one am not going to look back on my life and wonder "what if?" I'm taking the responsibility to make my changes now, while I still have the chance.
Sure, I might fail in some things, but so what? At least I made the effort and am better for it.

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