We all struggle in this life.
I, along with you, want to live life fully...but, I confess I don't know how on most days. I am a failed perfectionist. I like my life to be ordered and understandable. How many opportunities have I missed because they didn't fit in my schedule? I hadn't penned them in my Daytimer? I was too busy to slow down, and with that I missed some of God's most extraordinary moments for me. Although my life here on earth will never be perfect, and even though I mess up on a daily basis, God remains gracious. He gives me more opportunities to slow down and communicate with Him. More than I deserve.
Sometimes the day to day living gets in my way. My eyes are too eagerly set on my plans for tomorrow, to stop and enjoy the exquisiteness of today. I often times forget that I am but a pilgrim on this journey. This place is not my home. I was created for something so much more. God knows this. He reminds me of it, if I will only take the time to stop and really see...... to see His moments.
As much as I enjoy the beauty of this world, I am aware that this world is just a shadow of what is to come. In my quieter times, this thought crosses my mind. My breath catches in my throat and my eyes tear up as I contemplate what that truly means.
How many of us dare to live fully? I'm not talking about risk taking, or defying rules. I'm talking about slowing down enough to savor the wonderful gifts that God chooses to give us. To fully appreciate the joy of each day, regardless of the weather, how much money is in the bank, or whether or not everything is checked off on the to do list. When was it that we fell asleep at the wheel?
Do you understand that life is really not about those lists of things? Do you really? If you are like me, you say you do, but so many times I know I don't truly comprehend the depth of it. So many times I rush head long into the day, never looking back, and then before I know it, it is time to go to bed. Where was the enjoyment? The abundance? The moments? Oh, they were there. I was just blind to them.
When I think about that....it makes me cry. How many years have I wasted in my rush to the finish line? How much of what God offers, have I chosen to ignore?
Open your eyes to ordinary amazing grace. Life is sometimes dark, gritty, and tough, so how in the world do you find joy? How do you live really, fully alive? How do you see what God is providing right here? How do you find God?
The In Courage group is starting a book club. I think I'm going to join because I need the challenge. The dare. To live a full life. Will you join me?
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