This morning I read a sad story about a mother in depression. Her husband is deployed....she shot her 2 teenage children and was going to then kill herself. Two teenagers dead, a mother in prison. A military man coming home to a family that no longer exists. Heartbreaking.
There are law enforcement officers being intentionally shot practically every day this past week. What about the guy in Detroit who just walked in the police station and started shooting? Men and women who choose to put themselves in dangers way, on the front lines of all the serve and protect us. Who protects them?
A bank robber in Maryland, using an innocent bystander as a human shield. She didn't wake up that morning knowing that she could possibly be killed by some madman.
The Mexican drug cartel, shooting and killing a missionary, as she and her husband ran for the border. Turns out the drug runners wanted the couples new truck. To the cartel a person's life is of no value.
Multiple people killed in Egypt as the protests continues. A country in chaos.
Our world has gone insane. I know there have always been crazy, clinically depressed, or suicidal people among us. When people aren't thinking straight they do unbelievable things. Those are just a few circumstances, but it seems like there is more and more rampant evil running among us.
Doesn't it seem like the world is running at full tilt, straight to utter chaos? Straight to it's total demise?
I turn on the news anymore and I want to cry. It makes me want to pull my family close to me and slam the front door shut...keep the world at bay. It is a scary place out there. I know one shouldn't stay focused on all that.....but, pretending it doesn't exist isn't the answer either.
Sorry, that this post is depressing...but, sometimes that is just the way it is.
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Thanks for your thoughts, Dawn.
ReplyDeleteYes it is depressing. This world is not the way it is supposed to be. I am reminded of that every time that I comfort a grieving family, or counsel a husband and wife who are struggling with marriage, or even visit someone in the hospital with cancer.
Events like these just bring it into focus more clearly, we all long for the day when the King is on the throne, ruling with power and authority, and shalom is the rule of the day. Paul said in Romans 8: '...For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.'
Sorry that this got so long. Your post just reminded me of a lot that I have been thinking about lately. I appreciate your writing.
When chaos swirls all around us, we look to the One who is in control. None of it takes Him by surprise. I find myself saying more often these days, "Even so, come Lord Jesus!"
ReplyDeleteTerry and Leona, Both of you are so right! I agree completely.
ReplyDeleteI watch very little news for that reason. I think we get too much information 24/7 anymore! Overload!!
ReplyDeleteThere is a Redeemer! Notwithstanding politics, broken families, broken lives, the horrors of the world around us, and our own sin! In fact, all of those things point to our very need! But, we live in this broken world -- and even contribute to the brokenness of the world -- a world full of sin and death...
ReplyDeleteYes, Terry, as part of His Creation, we also groan for that Day -- the Blessed Day! Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Savior, Jesus Christ! Titus 2:13
Yet, while we wait, we can't forget the preceding verses, Titus 2:11-12 -- For, the grace of God that brings Salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness, we should live soberly righteously, and godly in this present world...
So, our Redemption has begun! Blessed be the Day when we shall be finally redeemed -- Finally Home!