~ Friday, January 14, 2011
Outside my window. . .it is snowing. It seems like just about every day since December 1st, it has been snowing. Global Warming, uh huh. Yeah.
I am thinking. . .that I need to go to Walmart today. The family is in need of some groceries. I hate grocery shopping. It depresses me. Everything is so expensive. Plus, I'd like to be more creative with food selection, but Walmart is not really about creativity. Sigh.
From the learning room. . .my kids are up and are not happy that they don't have the day off (for teacher inservice) like the public schools. Such is the plight of the homeschooler.
I am thankful for. . .a lot of things. Currently, a warm house and cozy jammies.
From the kitchen. . .I smell the orange scented detergent in the dishwasher. I'm so thankful for whoever created the dishwasher. Really. Seriously. I could kiss him. (or her?)
I am wearing. . .my Christmas pajamas. My mom bought them for me. They are the softest pj's I own. Very nice.
I am creating. . .a legacy. For better or for worse.
I am going. . .to watch a movie tonight with the family. We don't do this often enough.
I am reading. . .an excellent book by Ken Ham. Basically, it's about If God is Loving, why do people suffer? I know heavy stuff. That is just how I am. Not afraid to tackle the hard things in life.
I am hoping. . .that our mini van doesn't break down on our day trip tomorrow. It is held together with bubblegum and rubber bands. And prayer. Okay, so maybe the first two are a lie. The third is not.
I am hearing. . .Fox and Friends on the morning news. I enjoy FOX. Yes, they are conservative. I am conservative, so it works.
Around the house. . .the usual morning rituals are going on. Coffee brewing. Children crunching cereal. Dog and cats begging for some petting. Morning news on.
One of my favorite things. . .quiet time to myself. Definitely. Silence doesn't bother me.
A few plans for the rest of the week. . .grocery shopping, movie night, pick up daughter from her visit with her cousins, church, trip to the vet, home school. That's all I've got right now. That I know of....because it can always change....and usually does.
Find out more about the Simple Woman’s Daybook at this site.
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- 31 days without Walmart - the night before (notesfromthefunnyfarm.wordpress.com)
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