Monday, April 14, 2008

A Little of This...A Little of That

First of all I was looking at my blog map this morning and I have several new people (to already add to my ever increasing list) reading my blog....the latest are Chicago, IL, State College, PA, Franklin, TN, Altavista, VA, Manchester NH, New Haven, Conn, Portland OR, and Blaine, WA. Wow, I have so many people reading my blog. I'm really amazed. I've also gained readers in Canada, Denmark, Poland, Brunei, and Australia. The internet is really amazing isn't it? I enjoy spending some time each day "talking" with you. It's fun!

Now, on to a new topic. I want to go see that new movie that is coming out this Friday that stars Ben Stine. It is all about Intelligent Design. I watched his interview this morning on FOX news. He said that he has found out that scientists are not allowed to mention Intelligent Design at all....they must stick to Darwinism or they will be shunned, fired, laughed at by the scientific "elite". Won't it come as a huge shock to these same self assured scientists when one day they stand before the Lord and He says, "Why did you not see Me in the beauty of my creation? How could you use those analytical brains I gave you, and yet be so ignorant of My existence? The way cells divide and become organs in a developing baby....the way chlorophyll is used in plants....the exact position of the Earth from the Sun, the spectrum of colors in the rainbow, the way bees make honey, the change of seasons, a human's respiratory system, the tide, Earth's gravity, human emotion... the list could go on and on. Darwinism tells you that humans evolved from lower life wrong you are! I lovingly created you. I knew you when you were still being formed in your mother's womb. I know each hair on your head. I have your days numbered and know each breath that you take. I created you so we could have a relationship, and yet you push Me away with your skepticism and hard edged doubt. I am the greatest scientist that there ever has been or ever will be. Nature itself cries out my name and gives light to a Creator. Open up your stubborn eyes and see Me.

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