Friday, November 16, 2007

Help! I'm buried under junk mail.

Yesterday I did some serious throwing out. I had accumulated a ton of mail to "look through later". You know what I'm saying. I might need to buy a diamond ring, join a new book club, buy a new sweater from L.L Bean, go to the sale at a local store, or get a free sample of panty hose. I mean this is important stuff, right? Well, looking through all of this stuff "later" got put off and next thing I know I'm being buried by a ton of paper. It is amazing how much paper is used to send out junk mail. I'm sure I had half a forest in my mail pile. Okay, so maybe that is a slight exaggeration, but you get the gist. So as I'm wading through all the paper sludge the kids come into my room. "What are you doing?" Throwing stuff out. What stuff? Stuff I don't need. How do you know you won't need it? I just know...and if I make a mistake and throw out the coupon for a free ice cream at Brusters then I will just have to live with it. (Oh alright, I have to confess, if I did throw an ice cream coupon out in the trash, I might seriously consider digging it back out. I do have priorities you know!)

After much time and aggravation I finally got through everything. I now have papers I need to file. I'm proud of myself for disposing of A LOT of junk. Hey, I'm not bringing peace to the world, but it is one little thing that I accomplished to make my life more clutter-free and organized.

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