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I'm having one of THOSE days. Not a bad day, just the kind of day that I can't seem to sit still and put two coherent thoughts together. You know what I mean? It's not dementia. It's being Dawn. This happens to me on occasion. Sometimes I will tell my family members, as I'm staring straight at them, I see your mouth moving...but, what did you just say? Sometimes this happens twice in a row. I can't help it. I need to learn to read lips.
So, because I am physically unable to write anything even remotely "put together" today...I came up with just going all stream of consciousness on you. Did I say that correctly? I sincerely hope you can follow along, and not just think I'm nuts. (because that is an entirely different story)
Alarm clock went off---Hit the snooze---Overslept by 45 minutes, go figure---Shot out of bed, giving myself a little vertigo---Ran to bathroom, got a look at scary morning self in the mirror, screamed.---Went out to kitchen, had son (who was already up) flip on the news for me---started coffee and breakfast---went with dog to wake up other 2 children--
Dog barked and jumped, he is a good "waker upper". ----Lit new lilac candle, hoping it will mask smell of dog vomit.--Um, dog took his antibiotics on a not full stomach. Opps. Yuck.---Vacuumed rugs and floor, chased pet fur around the room. Pet fur is much like dandelions after they turn white and blow everywhere in sight. Just sayin'----Put dishes in dishwasher, then realized that the coffee mug I wanted was in there, dug it out and washed by hand. I have a bazillion
coffee mugs, but I wanted that one. Weirdo. ---
Promise myself that I will balance checkbook today, been meaning to do that for the past 3 days. Oh, well.--Cat curled up in basket in my library--my blanket basket, my WHITE blanket basket. I cannot keep anything out that the cats do not lay on. I hate cat fur. I tolerate cats, and not even that very well. Though I do love them, which makes me mad because I don't want to. Arggh. I'm still more of a dog person. Much more.---The orange creamsicle candle I got from Wmart does not smell like an orange creamsicle. It doesn't really smell much at all. What a rip off. Note to self, do not buy these types of candles anymore.
I need to decide what is for dinner. I have no idea. ugh. I need to prepare menus more often. It would probably help, but where is the fun in that? The sun has not been out today, but at least it has not rained. All 3 of the kiddos have test(s) to take in their
home school work today. They are thrilled. Not.
The Waltons are on the
Hallmark Channel. I like to watch them in the afternoon while I'm fixing dinner, which I still have no idea about. I better go. I have a feeling this evening will be interesting.
I promise to have a REAL blog post tomorrow. Have a fun weekend everyone. Can I have ice cream for dinner? Um. I'm just kidding.....really.
And by the way, if there are any spelling errors you'll just have to forgive me. If this post made no sense to you, don't worry...it didn't to me either.
- Creamsicle Smoothie (Recipe) (trommetter.com)
- Streams of Conscious (southernquill.wordpress.com)
- Raspberry creamsicles (saffronandhoney.com)
- Bruised Pride and Forehead (learnfrommyfail.failblog.org)
- Keep On Keepin' On (caterpillartooth.wordpress.com)
- Just A Thought (salesmarketingessentials.wordpress.com)