Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Getting Real With The Girl In The Mirror

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Supervised physical therapy may be helpful to ...[/caption]

I'm getting real...and it's scary. I'm not "frightened" scared, more of a "can I do this?" kind of scared.

Stress over eating weighs heavy. That would be funny, if it wasn't so serious. It's an issue. From what I read, and hear, and see, weight and eating issues are killing many of us. Sure, there are health issues that accompany weight loss or gain (depending on what you are dealing with and both can be dangerous) but, I'm talking about these issues killing us--on the inside.

When I was in high school and college, I was slender. I look back at pictures from my past and see how skinny my arms were. Seriously. I didn't struggle to zip my jeans, and everything was in it's natural place (unlike now....did I mention I hate gravity more and more?).

But, even then, I would look at others that I went to school with, and I'd feel fat.

When I was in high school I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Now, that particular diagnosis won't make one GAIN weight, but it sure does make it VERY DIFFICULT to lose once it's there. Anyone who has this disease knows that her metabolism is slow. It has betrayed her. I know from personal experience that I've always had to do two to three times as much exercise as the average gal, to see the same results. In college I danced for hours on end, took an aerobics class, and did weight training.

As an adult I did circuit training five to six days a week and power walked 16-20 miles a week. I felt like I couldn't quit. If I did, I'd gain the weight. Who can keep up with that kind of schedule for forever? Life happens. Babies are birthed. How does one fit in the needed exercise when everyone else NEEDS you and your time?

The weight came...and the older I get, the more difficult it is to lose. I look at myself in the mirror and wonder what happened?

Weight watchers and Nutri System, T-Tapp, and weighted hoola hoops, and walking with a friend in the early morning hours. And yet still, the image in the mirror is not what I long to see.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately.

And just so you know....for the most part, I have a healthy self-esteem. I know I am much more than the girl in the mirror. I get that. I really do. But, still......

As, I have been considering all this, something happened. I know it is a "God thing". I was reading my Bloom book club site, and there was Lysa TerKeurst talking about her new book, Made to Crave. I read the excerpt. I listened to her video clip. It was if this woman was talking directly to me, and my ponderings about what I was going to do about my struggles with exercise and eating.

I ordered the book. I should get it by early next week. I am ready to begin looking at things differently...not my perspective, but God's. Now, some of you might be thinking, "God, is too big to care about my weight issues." That is not true. If it bothers you, than it concerns Him. I believe He wants me healthy. Am I willing to lay my burden of this roller coaster ride of health and weight at His feet.? Can I admit, that I cannot do this in my own power? I need Him? I cannot do it alone--I've tried, but it doesn't last.

Listen to Lysa as she talks about her book. I'm sure she will inspire you, as she did, me.

Has anyone else read her book? What are some things you are doing to lose weight? Move more? Grow closer in your walk with the Lord?

Will you share?

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