Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pass Out At The Pump

I had on the downside of a half a tank of gas in my car....but I wanted a full tank because I have a full week coming up and as all us moms know.....WE are the chaeuffers of the family! So anyway, after the kid's soccer game today I stopped at the gas station. $5.00 for a gallon of gas!!!!! (the station across the way was $5.07) After I picked myself up from the pavement and dusted myself off, I looked again. The price had not changed. The neon green light at the pump seemed to mock me. It seemed to say, " if you want the privilege of driving then fork over the bucks lady!" What a rip off! Yes, I know that Hurricane Ike has wreaked havoc on the gulf. I realize that the pipelines for the southeast come from the gulf. Still! My Camry can probably hold around 20 gallons. Who has $100 for gas? It's just miserable. Our van has a bigger tank then that. Good grief! I hope this gets fixed (or whatever) so that the gas shipments (?) can get here. Several gas stations in Knoxville have put plastic bags over their pumps so people won't use them. They are already out of fuel. Another shipment was supposed to come on Tuesday, now it will be Thursday. People will panic--make a run on the gas, and then there really will be no gas. Either that or you'll have to sell your firstborn just to get a few drops for your car to get from point A to point B.
I think Star Trek was onto something. We all need to get one of those machines that transports one from here to there WITHOUT gas!!!!!!!! Where is Captain Kirk when we need him?????

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