Monday, May 12, 2008

Getting Away With Murder

Have you all heard about this new book out by Mike Gilbert? He is finally coming clean about the whole O.J Simpson case from the early 90's. I've heard that the book tells what exactly happened, how the "cover up" was created among the inner circle, how O.J is able to hide his money/assets from the the Brown and Goldman family, and how Mr. Gilbert himself made sure that "the famed glove didn't fit."

Maybe this guys conscience has been eating away at him all these many years. Maybe he feels the need to set some things straight. Maybe he's mad at O.J and wants to get revenge, by telling the truth. I don't know......but I'm listening to Greta tonight on the Fox network. This man is supposed to be interviewed by her. My thought is this: How could anyone keep such a horrific secret for so long? If this is true and this man knew that O.J killed Nicole Brown-Simpson---then can he still be held accountable for knowledge of a murder, but not doing anything about it?  I know O.J himself can't be retried for the same crime, which if this all ends up being true, just makes me sick. He would have literally gotten away with murder.

1 comment:

  1. Getting away with murder... Emm...
    Actually, many badies should be killed.
    Don't you think so?
    They kill and harm, but nobody kills them.

    Where is Superman when we need one?
