Friday, December 21, 2007

I'm having a vision...

In the wee hours of the morning I had a dream...or a vision....or a premonition....whatever you want to call it. I dreamed that Scott and I had not built, but bought this HUGE house. HUGE. I remember running into one of the bathrooms and dancing because there was so much space. Then I ran into the master suite and danced and jumped around the room and then I took off like a shot down the long hallway. I ran back and forth from one end of the house to the other like some sort of Olympic track star. I was so excited that I couldn't sit down. I was bouncing around like a kid on a pogo stick. It was the funniest thing. Now, my take on this dream is this: We are so space challenged right now that I'm only able to see wide open spaces in my dreams. I have house building on my mind, and so therefore I'm dreaming of BIG houses with lots of space. OR this could just be a premonition of my onset of insanity, where I believe I am a kangaroo and so must hop everywhere I go. You pick. All I know is that in this new house we will have space....glorious space.....and I won't have to trip over boxes or stub my toes on the vacuum cleaner that now sits in the hallway, or dig through piles of clothes just to find what I am looking for in the closet.

Maybe my subconscious is telling me that even though I am living in a small space for now, that it will be worth it because in the not so far future I WILL be able to run from one end of the house to the other and not trip on anything! Hey, I'll let you know if tonight I dream about being an know sticking with the whole space theme.

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