Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Memory Lane

I continue to slog through box after box of stuff. Unpacking is hard work. I guess it doesn't help me any that I have to stop every so often to look at my boxes of "memories". I looked back at my high school memory box. What a hoot! I found my Westminster High School, Class of 1986 T-shirt. I held it up and looked at it. It's in really good condition...but I can hardly believe I was ever that small to fit into that little thing. have the figure I had in high school. Sigh.
Then there is my college photo album. Smiling faces of my dorm mates. All of us have gone on with our lives. We live all over the world now....and yet, my thoughts travel back to the late 80's and I laugh out loud remembering the fun times we had. Yes, I also went to class and learned a lot in college---but, my friendships are what made it fun.
Then there are the pictures of me as a young bride. I had to be insane to have a big "fru-fru" wedding dress and veil in the blazing hot summer heat of a southern July. What was I thinking? I'll tell you what! I was thinking I'm sweating to death--crank up that air conditioning!!!! I did make it down the aisle that day and managed not to melt in the process.
I know, some people think keeping all this kind of stuff is ridiculous. I know it's just stuff and it's the memories that I carry with me that are the most important....yada, yada, yada. BUT I'm getting old and it helps to have the actual things to jog my memory.
Regardless, it's always nice to take a stroll down memory lane.

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