Today, Ann Voskamp has us posting about being Christ-centric in her Walk With Him Wednesdays.
How do OTHERS see Jesus in me? DO they see Jesus in me?
My hope is that they do but...
I'm not perfect. I don't always have the words to say. I lose my temper. I want my own way. I wish things were different. I complain. Not very Jesus-like, huh?
Words like FAILURE, MISTAKE, and UNWORTHY come to mind. I wear them around my neck, like ID tags. Don't you recognize me? I'm the one that is unworthy to bear the name of Christ. The woman that stumbles under the weight of her own perceptions.
How many times have I used the excuse that I am having a "bad day" to gripe at my husband, snip at my kids, or yell at the dog? I begrudgingly vacuum the rugs, clean the toilets, wash the clothes and fix the evening meal. I clean messes that I didn't make, say things I didn't mean, and make it my mission, on certain days, to not be joyful. Thoughts run through my mind like a broken tape recorder. On some days I feel the bitterness creep in... don't I deserve more than this?
The fissure in a soul can break wide open and leave a canyon between what is known and what is done.
Be more like Christ... "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." Ephesians 4:32 NAS
Just as Christ has forgiven me. The words echo deep in the canyon... bouncing off the walls of my heart. Forgive them.
Be more like Christ... "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." Philippians 4:8 NAS
Dwell on these things. Even the deepness of a canyon can be beautiful, when the sun shines on rough rock. It is difficult to complain if I am concentrating on lovely things. I can make that choice.
Be more like Christ... "The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Psalm 145:8 ESV
Showing grace and mercy, the anger drains from me. Let it go! Anger and bitterness kill the spirit of the one that holds on to them, and I can die from thirst if I can't find my way off the canyon floor, to the life giving water.
Being more Christ like is not easy...but, Jesus Himself said it would be worth it. So, I continue hiking out of the canyon.
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ReplyDeleteI became Dawn B at Ann's because of you. We posted back to back there today (in all our radiance)! I wanted to drop by and say "hi". I love that you have Danelle under "What People Are Saying". She really speaks to me, too. I am spending the day dwelling (as you so aptly suggest) in Colossians. I just needed to make my Wednesday run to Ann's and talk to my neighbors.
It's been good being here,
Dawn B
Be more like Christ. Be more like Christ. I can't hear that too often. Thanks for the encouraging post to not give up.
ReplyDeleteIt is a life-long journey learning to be more like Him.... this was a good, encouraging reminder to keep on the path, and never stop trying to reflect him more.
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Dawn!