[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by Christina Spicuzza via Flickr"]
Yesterday came and went without me blogging.
Some days are so busy and then it is time for bed.
I'm going to blog about God-Sized dreams today...which is what everyone was talking about yesterday at Faith Barista.
I've thought about this topic, and to be honest I wasn't sure what to write. "Dreams" are something I struggle with.....
Do I write about big dreams that I have, and hope that God is along for the ride and that it all works out the way I'd like?
Do I say aloud what I'm really thinking?
Do I dream secretly and know it will never happen---so I learn to forget about the dream, and allow it to grow dusty in the recesses of my heart?
Are dreams meant to be acted on? Or are they just wishes?
Do I dream big, only to be made fun of? Or told that the dream is way too big and will never happen?
I just don't know. I really don't.
I wish I had some profound wisdom about the subject, some sage advice to share.
Alas, I do not. Believe me, if I did I would tell you. It would feel good to share.
Should I not dream, because it might not be what God wants for me? I don't want to disappoint Him...or myself.
Does God even allow us our dreams? And maybe my dream is not what it should be? God is Sovereign, He knows what would bring true joy to my heart...but so many times He is silent on the topic of dreams. And I am left wondering. And worrying.
Am I way off? Should I settle for the small?
Maybe you can relate?
I have had dreams. Big dreams, but then life happens. The dreams get shelved and most of the time I don't get to go back. Oh, don't get me wrong. I do go back and blow off the dust and peek inside the box of dreams on occasion. They just seem so big, unrealistic...
and I have dinner to make. Or bathrooms to clean. Or home school to monitor. Animals to feed. Groceries to gather. Clothes to wash. Floors to sweep. Furniture to dust. Bible to study.Friends to visit. Children to love. A husband to grow old with. Letters to write. Magazines to skim. Books to read. Emails to write. Prayers to pray.
And my dreams seem small in the urgency of the every day.
I wonder if I even have the right to dream big about things, when there is so much to do right here?
Dreams of......
Traveling. Writing. Speaking. Decorating. Teaching. Helping.
I am a very aesthetic person. God made me that way. So how does one dream about that?
I communicate through my love of words. How can this be part of a dream?
I love to meet people, hear their stories.....listen. Is that dream material?
I long to help others in the battle of rights for the disabled. Is that a dream or a cause?
Are my dreams even worthy?
I don't know.
My job is to leave myself pliable in the Potter's hand. He knows things, I don't.
He is the One that can create dreams and watch them take shape.
He is the only One that can.
Yet you, LORD, are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8 NIV
Related articles
- Dream Big (soaringondreamerswings.wordpress.com)
- The God-Sized Dream (redletterbelievers.blogspot.com)
- Sweet Dreams. (greatriversofhope.wordpress.com)
- Dreams And A Little About My Dad (newauthors.wordpress.com)
- Keep Dreaming... (aaronconrad.com)
- God Sized Goals (markmathia.com)
- Protecting Your Dream (opendoorelo.wordpress.com)
- Failure (awarmcupofcomfort.com)
I pray you God blows your mind.
ReplyDeletePs. Have you heard these Shaun Groves songs? http://bit.ly/kHmEts
This is lovely. I so identify with it. Being in a period right now of giving up on a few of my dreams, I notice that I continue holding onto a couple of lifelong ones. I notice, though, that my materials dreams faded a while back, and the only ones remaining are big but related to what I'll leave behind when I pass on from this Earth, and those are the ones I continue hoping for. Again, lovely post. :) M
ReplyDeleteI so get that life seems to sometimes get in the way of dreams and then can I even begin to know God's dreams for me. What if I mess them up? Thanks for sharing. Coming over from Faith Barista!