Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summertime, Summertime, Sum..Sum..Summertime

Aaahhh........I'm now sitting at my desk, having just poured myself a nice tall glass of iced tea. Yes, I know sweet tea is not as healthy as ice cold water. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I consider it my vice. Out of all the horrible habits I COULD have...sweet tea is probably low on the totem pole, so to speak. With that said, now on to my blog for the day.

Even though I can't stand the humidity, and the bugs drive me crazy...there is something about the summertime that I love. I think it is the whole casual, laid back attitude of the season. The less scheduled times, the outdoor grilling, tan skin, and laying in the hammock. The smell of fresh cut grass, kids camps, swimming pools, visiting with friends, and lightening bugs. Summer requires one to slow down.

Life is so hectic most of the time. If you are anything like me, there are days when you are so insanely busy that you don't have time to sit still, much less relax. So much to get done, so little time. That is why summer time is a gift. A gift of slowing down. Really, life needs to have moments where we contemplate what is really important. What really makes our lives worth living......and spend time doing those things. Don't take for granted an impromptu game of Frisbee, water gun fights, evening walks, or eating  hot dogs grilled to perfection, shared with people you love. All small things. Not expensive, not high tech, very simple.

Simple... That is the joy of summer time.

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