Monday, March 7, 2011

In The Rearview Mirror

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Hernando DeSoto Bridge takes Interstate 40 acr...[/caption]

In chapter 8 of One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voskamp says, "God reveals Himself in rearview mirrors. And I've an inkling that there are times when we need to drive a long, long distance, before we can look back and see God's back in the rearview mirror...Maybe sometimes about as far as heaven ---that kind of distance."

Wow. That statement rocked me. Hard.

I've thought about this a lot, long before I read Ann's words. She just reminded me of it.

In my own life, I can look back and see all the ways that God has loved and provided for me. He has shown patience with me, and forgiven me.  During the good days...and also in the days I slogged through the muck.

It's all His grace.

Looking back...

Both the wise decisions I've made and the poor decisions...consequences I suffered.

People I've lost...tears I've shed. New friendships and relationships.

Drawing close to Him...Him drawing even closer to me.

My life glimmers in the mirror. School, Family, Career, Marriage, Motherhood, Friendships, Homes, Widowhood, Death, Dating, Remarriage, Blended Families, Resigning from teaching, Home School, New House, Moving, Job Loss, New Job.....

The small decisions of the every day, the big decisions that change a life, the happy, the sad, the silly and the profound. All the things that knit together to make my life.

It is when I look in my rearview mirror that I realize God was there.

He's always been there..... It was me. I was the one driving blind.

I must keep my eyes open to see Him.

I'm continuing on this journey, to thank Him in the daily grind. To live fully...right where I'm at.

# 196 It was only the basement that flooded during this rainy weather. It could have been worse...and it wasn't.

# 197 My husband who is good at fixing stuff, in the now muddy and soggy basement. He's trying hard to get this done.

#198 Warm socks on a cold floor.

#199 Conversations with my children.

#200 Letters from the heart.

# 201 Warm quilts

# 202 My favorite wing back chair to read in

#203 An extra spoonful of sour cream

# 204 My son making dinner

# 205 Kindness

It's all eucharisteo to... Him. It's all grace to me.

(Click the multitudes on Mondays --One Thousand Gifts graphic on the ride side of my blog...if you want to read what others are saying!)


  1. We all have that rear view mirror. And you are so right – he is there, he is here, he will be here – it’s his name. We often hear that his name was “I am” – but the Hebrew is actually a little wobbly there and it can actually mean, “I am, I was, I will be be” Just like the mirror – and now – and later. Thank you for reminding me of this.

    My favorite from the list was #198 Warm socks on a cold floor. (just because – seriously – tat feels so nice :)

    I hearted all of this – so good – made me smile.

    Thank you

    God bless

  2. It is all about being in constant awareness of God's presence. You need to check out the book When God Winks At You by Squire Rushnell- you will love it and get what I call God chills from reading it. Blessings

  3. I was so moved by that chapter, too, as my rear view mirror is soooo crammed with things that I now see God's hand in. Some take longer to be seen in God's light, others not so long! Some, still just on the horizon and not clear at all. But you know, as I get older, I've come to KNOW beyond the shadow of a doubt that "He does ALL THINGS well!" All things!!!!!
