Monday, November 8, 2010

What Inspires You?

In the 80's, the group Chicago, sang "You're The Inspiration". Artists are inspired to create great masterpieces. Writers are inspired by relationships that give them the ability to put pen to paper. Singers can bring tears to our eyes through inspired words. Speakers can bring us to our feet. Parents are inspired to be good examples for their children. Soldiers are inspired, in the midst of fear for their own life, by love of country. Nature inspires us all.  So what inspires you?

1. The dictionary describes the inspired as: outstanding or brilliant in a way or to a degree suggestive of divine inspiration

2. The men that wrote the Bible...they were divinely inspired by God, Himself, to write the words that have survived centuries. God speaking to man, through His inspired Word.

3. The wounded warriors who come home and fight everyday, through surgery and therapy to get their lives back. Each day is a struggle, but they don't give up.

4. The single parents who get up every day, acutely aware that they are their child's rock. They face each morning with resolve, that they will do the very best that they can. That they will make it.

5. The dog who saves his owners from imminent death, by barking and pulling on them until they get up and escape their house that is on fire.

6. The father who ran marathons and participated in a triathlon for his disabled son. He was his son's hands and feet. Crossing the finish line with his son, inspired everyone watching.

7. We are inspired by great literature, or the paintings of Michelangelo or Rembrandt.

8. Mozart or Bach can move us in ways few other things can.

9. The chronically ill patient who makes the decision to not just survive, but to live. Even if he/she ends up losing the battle, they inspire us by their dignity in the face of death.

10. So what inspires you? What makes you strive to be a better person? To overcome a trial? To jump a hurdle? To press on to the finish line?


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