Friday, October 15, 2010

You Just Don't Know

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]a hospital room (Denmark, 2005)[/caption]

I have several friends that have lived with or are living with devastating news. I was thinking about that yesterday... One just never knows what others are truly going through.... Job loss, financial devastation, medical diagnoses, depression, a bleak prognosis, family members who take their own lives, death, divorce, children who refuse to listen. There are so many people, going through so many things. One just doesn't know.

Never assume that you know me

Because what I'm dealing with

is not what you see.


Many times because of pride,

I refuse to show

the hurt inside.


A diagnosis, illness, pain

cover me like

a gray, winter rain.


I go through each day

doing what I should

Not knowing what to say

Wishing I could.


I want to cry

I want to scream

I sort of try

to not act mean.


I need a hug

I need your smile

I need you to go

that extra mile.


When the prognosis, diagnosis...

Is too much for me to bear

I need your friendship

I need you to care.


Thank you for being my friend.


-------Dawn Gibson





  1. You are so right. My dh lost his job of 28 years...unexpectedly last September. It took all our savings to keep us on your feet. So stressful. We are so thankful he did get another job but the pay isn't as good as his old job. It is just to embarrassing to let anyone know that we are still just making it...Christmas will be difficult. But we are healthy and happy and together and from that point of view we are just fine. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Dianntha

  2. Dianntha,
    My family went through a very similar circumstance last year. I was humbled by how my family and friends supported and helped us in any way they could. It is scary to be unemployed (or under employed)...daily life can become so stressful.
    Thank you for sharing your story. It helps everyone who reads it, to know they are not so alone in their struggles.
