Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Women Are From Earth

Women are from Earth and men REALLY are from Mars. Women. Men. Females. Males. Girls. Boys.
Now, I must say that I LOVE men. (and yes, my one man in particular:) I've been thinking about the male species this morning.
The really deep questions of come a man can get up in the morning have beard stubble, hair sticking out at odd angles, and hasn't even had his first cup of coffee yet and still look good? Ladies, you know what I mean. That swarthy look, a la, Pirates of the Carribean.
I on the other hand have hair that looks like something a rat made a nest in, no make up, and am stumbling out of bed in the morning like someone who is just learning to walk.
How fair is that? How come most (real life) women can't wake up cute? How come we have to WORK to look put together? Not fair.
And what is the deal with understanding most electronic equipment and how it works? How to put in surround sound or make the computer work. Or figuring out what the plunk, plunk sound is that the car is making? Is this a genetic thing? Is this kind of knowledge only on the Y chromosome? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Just some random thoughts.......What can I say? This is how my mind works. Scary, huh?
Oh, and by the way, regardless of all the good stuff.....guys, do us all a favor and actually put the dirty clothes in the hamper! Please!? You can look really cute, but be such slobs. Go figure.

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