Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another Day...Another Dollar.

1. Another day, another dollar. No wait. No dollar.

2.I work, but I don't get paid. With, you know, real money.

3. As the mom I would consider taking payments in massage sessions.

4. That would help with the stress.

5. 'Cause I get stressed, which causes tense muscles. Which requires a massage. Makes perfect sense to me. Duh.

6.I have to go to the grocery store today.

7.Because my family has to eat.

8. I wish they didn't eat so much.

9.It would make for cheaper grocery bills.

10. I found another mouse in the master bath today.

11. They are getting in through a hole where the plumbing goes into the wall.

12.The mouse I found was dead. In the nifty trap.

13. No sorrow here.

14. Everyone is working right now.

15. Except me. I'm blogging. Which isn't work. It's fun.

16. It's better than therapy.

17. Not that I know much about therapy, mind you.

18. I'm watching Hurricane Earl reports on the news.

19. All the meteorologists will be standing on beaches.

20. In 150 m.p.h wind, rain pelting them in the face.

21. Hope no one gets swept out into the Atlantic as they try to keep us updated.

22. Weather people live for this stuff.

23. At least I'm in Ohio. Far away from Earl.

24. Safe in my pasture land. With the mice.

25. Filthy, stinkin' rodents. Blech.

26. The kids are working quietly.

27. This always scares me.

28. The kids are not normally quiet.

29. They may be plotting.

30. I should go check.


  1. Yep ... kids being quiet always sets an alarm off in my head. Better go check! :-)

  2. Whenever kids are quiet they definitely are scheming... and who knows what they're scheming about too.

  3. I think you've said it all. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I would love to get paid in massages....I would settle for an endless supply of giftcards to Starbucks or Press (local coffee joint).
    Like your post. ;-)

  5. Haha, that's life. Life. Life. Life.
    This post almost felt like a strange sort of poem to me.
    Great post! Congrats on getting freshly pressed!

  6. This is GOOD. Am addicted to sweet tea. Don't think Earl is coming near you. Hope something sweeps rodents away. Meh!

  7. My friend with 4 daughters felt like she wasn't getting paid. So she deserved new kitchen cabinets. So she ripped out the old cabinets one day. Her husband came home. She informed him they needed new cabinets. It was her way of paying herself. Now he listens when she says something needs to be done. Because he nevers knows if she is going to start doing it herself if he waits too long.

  8. Funny--quiet kids mean plotting kids here as well.

  9. Hahahaha !! Like The Last Bit !.!.!

  10. Very funny! I remember seeing Al Roker's hat Flying away a couple of years ago.

  11. Loved this, too funny!!! Hope you made it out ok, (with the kids plotting & all)! Thanks for the laugh.

  12. Love what you did with this. Looks like a list but turns into something so much better. Good luck on the mice.

  13. Blogging is part of my therapy, lol!
    I am worried about the Outer Banks, beautiful places, hope they don't have much damage!
    Definitely go check on the kids!


  14. I liked this, very cute! True, too! Congrats on being Freshly Pressed! Hope the kids weren't too mischievous!

  15. Smile :)

  16. I definitely love the last part of this! Very cute and funny, watch out they may well be plotting something! lol Congrats on being Freshly Pressed! Can't wait until I get there! I haven't been on very long!

  17. Mice are only cute on T.V. in a cartoon. That is where they ALL belong, in my opinion.

    I think I have the same problem with them getting in through the plumbing area in my bathrooms. I bought some of that stuff you spray and it blows up to fill the hole. I was told not to spray too much because it really expands. Also, someone told me to put steel wool in the hole first because mice don't like it and won't try to eat through it, etc. to get in your house, and then add the spray foam. I'm going to try it soon because I found a mouse last winter and caught it with a trap right away, but don't want to ever do that again! Good luck to both of us with our mice situation!

  18. Oh yeah, a quiet house here means looming disaster!

  19. You know, mother, I usually work quietly in the mornings.

    I'm a good child like that.

    You're on the front page of OHMAIGOODNESH.


  20. Fun post! Congrats on being freshly pressed!

  21. Pretty cool way to share your day thus far. Hmmm....curious to know what happens next :)))))

  22. pull down your pants and slide on the ice.....OK

  23. Mom on the mountaintopSeptember 2, 2010 at 4:56 AM

    Consider yourselves lucky! The last thing I found in my house was a snake - still alive - on a glue trap meant for spiders. And worst of all, it was in my kids' room. I don't know how I'll ever get them to sleep in there again. (And honestly I don't like going in there anymore either, but I haven't told them that.) I love my little log home in the forest but it does have its drawbacks!

  24. This post is hilarious. You have a real talent for taking the norm and making it humorous, interesting, almost poetic. I also agree with #16.Blogging is better than therapy. Blogging IS my therapy. If I had to keep all my crazy inside, I might literally go crazy. But with the blog, I'm quirky. :)

    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed.


  25. Nice kind of poem post! Me likes it! :-)

  26. I really enjoyed the format you used in your post. Very creative and enjoyable.

  27. Hope the kids weren't plotting anything devious. I would take payment in massages too...think I'll try renegotiating my contract.

    Congrats on being Pressed! I really enjoyed this post.

  28. Ah yes the peace of silence is often interrupted by the worry of a parent

  29. Love it! Congrats on freshly pressed!

  30. Really Good post..

  31. 29. They may be plotting.

    lol they are always plotting against you MOM...j/k good article made me laugh

  32. LoL...nice! :)

    That's the best part about hurricane season...watching the news reporters get beat up by mother nature! LOVE IT!! :)

  33. Great, always nice to read this blog.

  34. I have a nice writer here....Learn how to write detail each day from your posting...
    Mind it!

  35. Loved your post! I have four and if I could get paid in massages I would be in heaven! Some times I pay my 10 year old to get at my neck and shoulders. He's pretty good and the price is right.

  36. gov should pay sahm's...

  37. This made me laugh aloud -- and I needed a laugh break at this point in my day. Will definitely be back for future posts!

  38. Hmmm...I guess I won't send you our mice! lol We are also homeschooling and, yes, blogging IS great therapy!

  39. I loved it! Maybe you should plot against your kids for fun. Keep up the good work!

    Zach J. (filmman101's blog)

  40. i def love blogging its MY therapy :)

  41. Ummm... Interesting. Enjoy your mice. And pastures. And plotting kids. Just enjoy. Bye.

  42. A great representation of a day in the life! I'm also a mom to 2 teenagers, and I understand like no one else can (besides other parents of teens) what you go through. I too suspect "plotting" and am right most of the time. LOL.

    Thanks for the fun read; I've poked around your blog and you seem very similar to me (or should I say, I am similar to you!). I just started blogging and am enjoying it.

    Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed!


  43. I'm pretty sure that this is the way my wife thinks everyday. And if she's reading I don't want to eat less, thank you very much. :D

  44. hang on there!!!!!
    love your blog!!


  45. I like how you wrote this out. And yes, I quiet child is a bad child. :) Congrats on being freshly pressed.

  46. a leading worldwide w holesaler company (or ucan say organization).
    w w w . Yahcc . u s
    We supply more than 100 thousand high-quality merchandise and famous brand name products all at wholesale prices.

  47. Awesome and congrats on being Freshly Pressed!!!

  48. 1. just had my lunch
    2. when i came across this post
    3. made me smile
    4. really, i love this one
    5. siesta time..zzz...

  49. I like the way you put this together. Very creative. :)

  50. i like how you did this!! cool! :)

  51. Nice blog. I needed a smile. Visit our blog and see why. Thanks for the words.

    A husband

  52. Nice blog. I needed a smile. Visit our blog and see why. Thanks for the words.

    A husband in Love

  53. Love your post and your writing. Massages, never ending groceries, kids plotting.... ain't it the truth!

  54. Loved the way you summed up your day! =)

  55. I'm paid in pure unadulterated worship.

  56. My mom stayed at home and I am sure she felt like you do at some points. In the long run I will always appreciate her being there, I hope this helps in those crazy moments.

  57. you did say it all in a cleverly funny way!!

  58. Look on the bright side, lady. It's payment IN massage sessions, not FOR massage sessions.

    I found this very, very funny. Not that you care.

  59. Fabulous!
    1. I have spiders building webs over the back door - urrghhhh
    2. My twin girls are waking form their nap half an hour early. sigh
    3. Is it wine time yet?

    Loved your post, hope the kids were behaving :)

  60. Very, very funny. Still, on the bright side, better payment IN massage sessions than FOR massage sessions.

  61. Love your post!. Welcome to Ohio...I live there too.
    Work on that book. Too many people have nothing to say, so it's refreshing to read someone who does.

  62. Cute and to the point. You deserve the massage by the way! Go ahead and book it, treat yourself!

  63. Great Post! Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.

  64. I always love a good stream of consciousness. The problem is, your stream of consciousness is so similar to mine on any given day, I'm not sure if you're you. Maybe you're me? Wait, are you wearing blue yoga pants and do you have your hair in a pony tail? I'm suspicious.

  65. Uh oh, Lisa, Black yoga pants and my hair is up in a clip....(Twilight Zone music)

  66. Dawn, this totally made me chuckle! Is this what I have to look forward to? I thought I was getting out of the "dark days".. lol. I'm a new mom... my little guy will be one on the 18th already! I have yet to reach that point where I'm taking care of myself again... But soon! Hopefully... I'm starting with a haircut :)

    I had a rough morning today and you made me smile, thanks for that! Btw: Go get yourself that massage! Heck, book a whole series ;)


  67. a leading worldwide w holesaler company (or ucan say organization).
    w w w . Yahcc . u s
    We supply more than 100 thousand high-quality merchandise and famous brand name products all at wholesale prices.
