Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring Is Supposedly Just Around The Corner

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Spring is supposed to just be around the corner. I'll believe it when I see it.  It's true the past couple of days have been sunny....and some of our snow has finally melted but, now our driveway resembles something one would see in the swamp land of Louisiana. The other day I was in mud up to my armpits. Okay, so fine. That was a lie. BUT it is very muddy! I refuse to wear my nice (still brand new) tennis shoes I received from my mom as a Christmas present. I don't want them to be muddy and cruddy the second I have to walk to the van in our driveway. I guess I will finally wear my Christmas present sometime in early May. In the meantime I'm wearing boots. Rugged boots. Boots that can survive the mud.

Speaking of boots and mud. A few days ago my husband and I were moving our (borrowed) refrigerator out of our kitchen and down our walkway to the trailer. The trailer that we were using to haul the refrigerator back to its original home. We got a new refrigerator to put in its place. So anyway, the husband and I were moving this refrigerator. If you've ever moved a refrigerator, you know it is awkward and bulky and well just plain hard. We got it through the laundry room door and down the steps. Then we had to maneuver it down the walking stone path to the driveway. Did I mention it is muddy here? The dolly wheels were sinking fast. I'm pulling, my husband is pushing. I kept having glimpses of ultimate refrigerator peril. My boot got stuck in the mud. As the refrigerator is bearing down on me....I went to move my foot and the boot stayed the mud. Aggghhh!  So, now I am hopping around on one foot, trying to keep the refrigerator on track. (thinking what a sad thought my untimely "crushed under a heavy appliance" death would cause my family.)  My husband can't really see me because he is on the other side of the refrigerator, trying to hold it steady. Such is the scenario. I manage to get my foot back in the boot without too much of a problem and yank it out of the mud with a big "gooosh" sound. Remember, I said to think of back country Louisiana swamp land.

After this fiasco we did manage to get the hulking monstrosity onto the trailer....but only after hubby is pushing up the incline ramp and I'm pulling and almost fell over backward off the side of the trailer. That would have been so pretty.

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