Now I am the type of person who likes to sleep in the dark. I don't like the light, except maybe the glow from the digital clock. Other then that, forget it. I also like it quiet. Quiet and dark....that is me. You get the picture, right?
Last night I made the mistake of not closing my bedroom door. Sometime during the middle of the night I heard someone, or some thing entering my bedroom....and it didn't sound human. Next thing I know I felt myself being watched. I didn't even have to open my eyes. I just knew. Keep in mind it is very dark in the bedroom so I couldn't see much anyway. I slowly open my eyes and am face to face with Samson, our black cat. I feel his whiskers on my face. You have to understand Samson. He's not like Joe--our other cat. Joe will come in quietly and curl up at the end of my bed and is actually a fairly good foot warmer. NOT Samson. Samson wants to sit on my face. He likes to be close to a persons face. I don't know why. He just likes it. I don't do well with cat on my face when I'm trying to get some sleep. I push Samson off of me and tell him to quit being a bed hog. He paces around quite agitated that I do not appreciate his love. He attempts to get right up on my head. (He, if allowed, will curl up on top of my head so that it appears I am wearing one of those furry Russian style hats.) I push him off again. He decided to give up and just lay next to me. I fell back asleep, but who knows what happened after that? When I woke up this morning he was gone...I met up with him again in the kitchen while I was getting my breakfast. He gave me a look. I couldn't tell, but maybe he even smirked.
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