Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I am leaving for Ohio again today. I seriously think I could drive I-75 with my eyes closed. (okay, so maybe that would not be wise, but you get the idea!) I looked at the week's weather forecast. I'm leaving Tennessee's 45 degree high today, for Ohio's 25 degrees. Brrrrr....... I keep telling myself that our new house will be so toasty and warm. (Once we are in it!!!) This morning might be chilly but it is a lot nicer then the Noah's ark day we had the last time we left for Ohio. I'm getting so used to this 6 hour drive that it doesn't seem like anything anymore. Well, I better go. I've got a car to pack, and pets to feed, and dishes to wash, and....and....and.....

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Remember When?

Remember when you were young
and time seemed to drag on and on?
But as you got older
you blinked and time was gone?
The days turn into weeks
and weeks into a year...
Before you even knew it
the brand new year was here!

2008 will soon be history
and 2009 is yet a mystery.....


Monday, December 29, 2008

The Invisible Woman

Nicole Johnson says it so eloquently.....Haven't we all felt like this before? Many times we don't get the recognition for all the things we do for others....but God knows. He never misses anything that we say or do. Nothing is forgotten, nothing is too small for Him to notice.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Thank You To The Soldiers

I just wanted to say thank you to all the soldiers out there. You that are stationed all over the world....You that are wishing your families back home a Merry Christmas. I know you miss your family and friends that are back in the States. Thank you not only for your service to our country but also for the personal sacrifice of being so far away from home and those that you love. Thank you. I appreciate you....and even though you aren't home for Christmas, you are not forgotten!

L--Love of Family and Country

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Tonight Scott read the Christmas story from the book of Luke. I always love to listen to the Christmas story. He didn't stop there with the story that took place in Bethlehem, but continued to read about Christ's death at Calvary and His resurrection. You see the Christmas story is a wonderful story....but it is only the beginning. When Jesus came to this earth as God in the flesh, it was miraculous....but when he died 33 years later and was resurrected 3 days after that, that is what made the difference.That, my friends, is what CHANGED the world. God's plan was complete. Salvation, because of that, was now within humanities grasp. God loved us all so much! So as I sit and ponder what the shepherds must have felt so long ago on that dark middle eastern night, I'm reminded once again of the angels reply of, "Fear not! I bring you tidings of great joy...for unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord. You will find him laying in a manger." All the multitudes of angels sang GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST! What a thrill it must have been to see that heavenly display! But greater still to go to the stable and to see the promised Messiah...the child that was the answer to all the prophecies.
As I think about that scene--my mind goes to the rest of the story as Scott read of Christ's death on the cross. When his last words were "it is finished." The chasm between us and God was bridged by Christ's death and resurrection. Now that is the greatest story ever told!

What Was That Sound?

I know it can't be good when I go to stretch in the morning and my leg creaks so much that it resembles the sound of someone breaking a dry twig. Was that me making that sound??? For crying out loud! Then I roll over in bed and my back seizes up....I just lay there thinking, "so this is what happens the year I turn 40. This is so not fair." It did not use to be this way. My body is not supposed to give up so quickly. I guess I need to give myself a pep talk. What happened? I finally manage to roll off the bed and hobble over to grab my robe. It will take me a good 5-10 minutes to really get moving. In the meantime I make my way to the kitchen (after my obligatory stop in the bathroom) to start the coffee and fix a little breakfast. I start to feel a little better. Outside it looks very cold and gray. The wind is blowing. At least I'm not out there...I'm nice and warm inside.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Doing A Whole Lot Of Nothing

Yesterday I took my life in my hands at the Walmart. (notice in the south we call it THE Walmart...not that it is the only one, but it is the one we are at so therefore it is THE Walmart) Shortly after my husband and I got married he made a comment about me saying THE Walmart. I told him after having lived in the south for over 20 years I decided to go with the flow..... I also said things like "I'm fixin' to go to THE Walmart." Now, fixin' means different things to different people, but as far as I can figure it translates as I'm getting ready to go and do something. Some prime examples of this verbiage are as follows: "I'm fixin' to leave for the store." , "I'm fixin' to get dinner ready." , or the ever popular, "I'm fixin' to get angry if you don't get moving!" (this said after waiting for ones teenagers to get out to the car so you can actually leave) I like the word fixin'. I will definitely keep this word in my repertoire.
Now having grown up in the mid-Atlantic state of Maryland I have a mixture of accent/drawl/slang. Growing up it mattered not what your gender was, everyone was "you guys". Down here in the south it is ya'll. I do not really say "ya'll" as I am deeply ingrained with "you guys". This causes some stares in my general direction....but stares have never really stopped me from anything. One just learns to smile and move along. (the gracious smile is something I learned in the south....also add a "well, bless your heart" and everything is forgiven.)
When I first moved to Tennessee in the mid 80's I was accused of talking way to fast. People couldn't understand me.....I needed to talk s-l-o-w-e-r. I got lots of chuckles when I said "on" in "turn on the lights." I was told I was saying, "oi-n".... To this day I still get laughs at my Maryland accent. I have given in and learned to add more syllables to words to make them longer....even if they are short words. In the south it just works.
Please, my accent is nothing compared to my Georgia friends. One day my friend asked me for a Coke. I assumed she meant Coca Cola you know the classic?? Well, no she didn't mean that at all. She wanted another type of soda entirely. I said, "you asked for a Coke". She said, "a Coke is generic for any type of soda." Well, that is just stupid. How am I supposed to figure that out? To which she replied, "duh. Everyone knows that is how it is." Uh...not me. Another friend from Atlanta told me that his milk was "runt", when we were having breakfast one day. I said, "runt?". How can milk be a runt? After much back and forth I finally figured out he meant ruined. His milk had gone bad. Hallejuah! I felt like I had just won Jeopardy. Woo hoo. I figured it out!!!!
Now, I'm getting ready to move to Ohio. I think they call soda, pop. I'm not really sure about all the language peculiarities in the midwest....but I'm fixin' to find out! I will be a mix of mid-Atlantic, southern and now mid western accents. I consider my accent to be flavorful and interesting. I'm going with that:)

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Love Hate Relationship With A Store

Yes, I'm talking about Walmart AGAIN. I know Walmart makes excellent fodder for by blog. I can't help it there is always something going on at Walmart. The good, the bad, and often times the ugly.
I just got back to TN. from OH. yesterday evening. I was FORCED to go to Walmart today...well, if I expected my family to eat, or have any food "treats" for Christmas.
Now, today just a few short days until Christmas the store is like a bee hive. People everywhere...and I do mean everywhere! I had approximately 5 tons of food in my cart, and wouldn't you know I'd have the squeaky cart with the one wheel that wobbles?? I'm attempting to "drive" the cart without having a serious accident in the middle of the frozen food aisle. A rather large man was right in the middle of the aisle. He wasn't budging. (Hello!!) I couldn't get around him with my load of groceries in tow. For one split second I had an evil thought of rear ending him with my cart. I figured if I got enough momentum I could shove him clear into the fish sticks. Calm down. I didn't actually do it. I SAID it was only a brief, fleeting thought. I wonder if there is such a thing as grocery aisle rage?? Kind of like road rage, only with a grocery cart? If so, I might require some therapy.
After schelpping (I'm not sure how to spell that) all over the store I finally got to the check out. By this time I had worked up a sweat. (I still had on my winter coat and sweater--which if I had any sense I would have taken off in the store, the coat, not my sweater!) I'm slinging groceries on the conveyor belt just wanting to be done with it all when I realize that I forgot crackers!! I had the sharp cheddar cheese ball for snacking but no crackers. There was no way I was going back for them, I had already gotten to the finish line. Arrggghhh! I guess the family was just gonna have to eat the cheese straight up. This is so the story of my life. Just when I think I've got it all together....and Wham! I forget the crackers.
You know what this means don't you? I'm going to have to drag myself back to Walmart on a cracker run. Ugh.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saying Goodbye

No, I don't necessarily agree with every thing that President Bush did or said, but overall I like him. I think as history gets written he will be seen as a good president, one with principles and character. He showed integrity and grit even in the presence of his accusers. I think we as American citizens owe him a huge debt of gratitude for not allowing anymore attacks on our home soil since the devastation of 9/11. I think many people have already chosen to forget just how terrible that was....some years pass and people forget....they take our safety for granted. We need to be forever vigilant because that is the sort of world we live in now. I agree with President Bush that politics goes in we conservatives just need to hang on for the next four years. It won't last forever.
I read the following article this morning on Drudge:

President George W. Bush speaking to U.S. troops in Baghdad last Sunday. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
Bush reflects on White House days
By David Stout
Published: December 19, 2008

WASHINGTON: President George W. Bush shared some bittersweet reflections as he looked back fondly on his White House days but regretted his inability to win passage of immigration legislation and to change the tone of debate in the capital.

"Reflections by a guy who's headed out of town," Bush called his musings in a question-and-answer session Thursday at the American Enterprise Institute.

"An old sage at 62," he said, "headed to retirement."

The president, who has described himself as uncomfortable with introspection, loosened up considerably before a friendly audience of conservatives. Better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all was a theme he embraced several times.

"One such problem was immigration reform," Bush said. "And in this case, I chose to put the spotlight directly on the issue by giving an Oval Office address. Obviously, we weren't successful about getting comprehensive immigration reform. Nevertheless, I feel good about having tried."

While he will miss many things about Washington, he won't miss "the petty name-calling," Bush said.

"I came with the idea of changing the tone in Washington, and frankly didn't do a very good job of it," he said. "You know, war brings out a lot of heated rhetoric and a lot of emotion. I fully understand that."

Bush reiterated his faith in freedom and in free markets, the current financial crisis notwithstanding. While he voiced his continued optimism about the American people, he said one of his "great fears" was that troubles overseas might tempt the country to revert to isolationism.

"The world needs America's involvement," he said. "We're a compassionate, decent, strong nation."

The president spoke about big issues (Iraq and tax policy, for instance) and not so big ones, like his relationship with the White House press corps.

"I don't like some of the things they say," Bush said. "Of course, they don't like some of the things I say. But we've had a good relationship."

A lot of spirited intramural debate preceded the 2007 increase of U.S. troops in Iraq, Bush said, observing that "creating tension is good for decision-making, so long as it doesn't become destructive."

When asked about President-elect Barack Obama's assertions that "Bush deregulation" had led to a culture of recklessness and greed on Wall Street, Bush said he was looking forward "to the true history of this financial crisis being written."

"Just some thoughts on this," Bush said. "The markets sometimes create excesses. We're living through the consequences of the excess.

"I quipped in Texas that Wall Street got drunk, and we got a hangover," he said.

But this, too, shall pass, Bush said of the current storm. When it does, he said, elected officials should remember that "markets and free enterprise is what made the country great," and that government's proper role is promoting entrepreneurship and prosperity, not getting deeply involved in the mortgage business or managing car companies. And, yes, he retains his faith in low taxes as the best economic stimulus of all.

Bush said the country "needs to overcome its fear about nuclear power" if Americans want to have all the electricity they will need and still protect the environment.

Bush implied that the harsh words of the presidential campaign were all but forgotten when he and Obama met in the Oval Office recently.

The departing president refused to say what advice he had given his successor but said they had chatted about something in common: "He's a dad who will have two daughters in the White House."

Bush, one of the least popular presidents in recent history, if public opinion polls are accurate, said the individual in the Oval Office is not that important: "Presidents will come and go with their strengths and weaknesses, but the ship of state sails on because of the institution being greater than the person."

Political conservatives who fear that the November elections banished them to the wilderness should take heart, Bush said.

"My point is that things go in cycles in politics," he said.

Friday, December 19, 2008


I have recently gotten on Twitter. Twitter is a social network that involves messaging in real time. I'm really enjoying it. I have people I follow and there are people that follow me. I am on Twitters "Top Conservatives On Twitter" list. It is very interesting and quite addictive actually. I can get a feel for what is going on all over the country and even around the world. The internet truly is amazing. Who knew that I would be able to talk with people in far off countries or across time zones about politics, home schooling, being a mom, or just something I find funny? Pretty neat.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Global Warming

Listened to something last night about global warming. What a joke it is! I think most people would agree that it is cold and snowy in most parts of the country and it's not even officially winter yet. Long range forecasts are calling for bitter temperatures and snow in a large part of the country this winter. We went through a cycle of mild winters and temps for several years, now we are in the beginning of a colder more frigid cycle. That is just the way the earth works. Sorry Al, but your theory is bogus.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

God Have Mercy On Us All

This UN report sends chills down my spine. God help us all if it ever comes to this in the United States of America. "THE ONLY WAY FOR EVIL TO PREVAIL IS IF GOOD MEN DO NOTHING."

UN Report: Belgium
Posted by: Peter Kamakawiwoole on December 15th, 2008
Tag(s): Belgium • Country Reports • UN-CRC
Watching Out for Her Little Ones
Belgium and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Winter is finally upon us, ushering in the joys of the holidays and, at least for most of the country, the arrival of cold weather. As the temperature falls and the days get shorter, Moms and Dads brace themselves for the first signs of inevitable winter sicknesses: everything from a simple cough and cold to wheezing, strep, and the dreaded stomach flu. For many Americans, the solution to these illnesses is a simple medication, or perhaps vaccination in certain cases, but the choice of proper treatment is left to the parents.

Now imagine a place where the government threatens parents with fines, or even jail time, if they refuse to vaccinate their children - all in the name of “watching out” for the best interests of “its” children. Imagine a country that permits doctors to terminate the lives of “deficient” children up to a year old, even without parental consent, for the sake of “a better society”. To find such a place, you need look no further than the nation of Belgium.

This Won’t Hurt a Bit . . .

In March 2008, Belgium made international headlines when it sentenced two sets of Belgian parents to five months in prison, and fined them 4,100 euros ($8,000).1 The crime? Failing to vaccinate their children against polio. The government, hiding behind privacy laws, declined to comment on why the parents had refused the vaccine in the first place, or how long a reprieve they had been given in which to comply before going to jail.2

Unlike the United States, which allows most parents to refuse vaccinations based on religious or philosophical objections, Belgian parents can only opt-out of vaccinations if they can prove that their child might have a bad physical reaction to the vaccine.3 In the absence of such proof, Belgian parents have no choice but to either consent to vaccinations, or accept the criminal punishments that accompany refusal.

Monitoring Their Education

According to the United Nations, Belgium has the best education system among all developed nations
.4 The Belgian government is also deeply involved in education. Parents can place their children in community schools, or in public or private schools.5 Unlike their American counterparts, however, Belgium’s “private schools” are not strictly run by private individuals, but receive subsidies from the government, along with significant oversight from national and local education ministries.6 All schools - even within the home - are required to teach children “respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the cultural values of the child and others,” under Article 29 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.7 Public, private, and home schools are all inspected by the government to insure compliance, and disobedience could result in the children being placed in a school of the government’s choosing.8

Unfortunately, Belgians are discovering too late that it is difficult to rein in the government once it gains power in all schools. In September 2006, the town of Merchtem banned all persons in local schools from speaking French, even though the town is only nine miles from Brussels, a French-speaking metropolis.9 Anyone caught speaking anything other than Dutch on school premises - even parents picking up their children - is subject to reprimands.10 Parents are not even allowed to have parents’ meetings in their native language, but must use an interpreter instead.11

In 2008, the town of Liedekerke - also near Brussels - followed suit by banning French-speaking children from holiday outings.12 According to Marc Mertens, secretary of Liedekerke’s town council, public outings should have “a Dutch character,” and monitors should be able to “refuse children who ‘disturb’ the outings.” Of course, Mr. Mertens said, smiling, “one can understand ‘disturb’ in different ways.”13

Building a Better Society

The Belgian government’s authority over the health and education of its children is deemed by many as a mark of progress toward a “better society” where children’s rights are properly recognized and protected. Those that satisfy the government’s standards live in peace. For the rest, there is no peace, and sometimes, they are not even allowed to live.
Since 2002, Belgium has allowed doctors to terminate the lives of infants under the age of 12 months if they feel the baby is somehow disabled or deficient, and is likely to suffer in life as a result.14 More than half of the Belgian babies who die before they are a year old are killed by deliberate medical intervention.15 In 16% of cases, parental consent was not even considered.16 To put these numbers in perspective, the CIA World Fact Book estimates that roughly 106,000 babies are born in Belgium each year.17 Even using conservative estimates of Belgium’s rate of assisted-suicide in infants, one can estimate that some 470 children will die before they celebrate their first birthday. Of these 470, more than 200 will die not from natural causes, but from direct medical intervention. Forty (40) of them will die regardless of their parents’ wishes, objections, or pleadings. Such a program might produce a “better society,” but one is left in horror at the ultimate sacrifice of innocent babies.

Unfortunately, the program has been deemed so “successful” in Belgium that in March 2008, the government began considering legislation that would also make assisted-suicide available to teenagers and younger children who are terminally-ill.18

In Belgium’s Shadow

Although much of American society still largely resists government control of children and their families, shadows of Belgium’s pro-government approach are being cast upon our shores. In November 2007, parents in Prince George’s County, Maryland were shocked and outraged when they were ordered to take their children in for shots, or face fines and jail time.19 “Our goal is to get kids in school, not to put parents in jail,” said Glenn Ivey, the county’s attorney, “but if parents continue to be recalcitrant, they face up to 10 days in jail and a $50 a day fine.”

The drastic measures had parents and physicians up in arms. Dr. William Schaffner of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine described the county’s hard-nosed stance as “grabbing the parents by the collars and saying, ‘You must vaccinate your children.’”20 Dierdre Young, the mother of a high school freshman and junior, agreed: “What good are you going do if you lock up the parents? Then the parents can’t feed [their children]. They still can’t come to school. They still don’t have their shots. So what have you solved?”21

Someone in Belgium must have forgotten to ask that question.

1. Maria Cheng, “Parents may be jailed over vaccinations,” The Associated Press (March 12, 2008) (accessed 03 December 2008).
2. Cheng 2008.
3. Cheng 2008.
4., “Education and Schooling in Belgium” (accessed 03 December 2008).
6. The United Nations Children’s Fund, “An overview of child well-being in rich countries: A comprehensive assessment of the lives and well-being of children and adolescents in the economically advanced nations,” Innocenti Report Cards, No. 7 (Jan. 2007): p. 34, 37. (accessed 03 December 2008).
7., “Expats and home-schooling” (July 19, 2006)
(accessed 03 December 2008).
8. (2006).
9. BBC News, “Belgian town bans school French” (September 1, 2006) (accessed 03 December 2008).
10. BBC News (2006).
11. BBC News (2006).
12. Steven Erlanger, “Seams of Belgium’s Quilt Threaten to Burst,” New York Times (May 14, 2008) (accessed 03 December 2008)
13. Erlanger 2008.
14. Bruno Waterfield, “Teens need right to ‘medically assisted suicide’,” The Telegraph (UK) (March 26, 2008) (accessed 03 December 2008).
15. Waterfield 2008.
16. Waterfield 2008.
17. Central Intelligence Agency, “The World Fact Book: Belgium” (accessed 03 December 2008)
18. Waterfield 2008.
19. ABC News, “Md. Officials: Vaccinate Your Kids or Face Jail” (November 17, 2007) (accessed 03 December 2008).
20. ABC News 2007.
21. ABC News 2007.

Nanook Of The North

I know that whenever I'm up here in Ohio my blogs get a little sketchy. I usually don't have much time to blog because I'm busy "hanging out" with my husband over at our house site. Can I just tell you that it is crazy building a house in the winter in Ohio??? We don't have the heat yet and it's 20 degrees outside with 45 m.p.h gusts of wind. To say that it is cold is an understatement. Now, my readers in northern Michigan, or Canada are probably telling me to put a sock in it---that I don't have a clue about cold. Okay, already....I'm sure it could be colder but can I just say that when my extremities start turning blue and falling off that this is a sign that it is indeed cold?!
I had Scott take me to Walmart the other day to get a REAL hat. Not my cute knit girly hat that doesn't stay over my ears. I'm talkin' a warm, furry, insulated hat. Well, the women's section had NO real hats. Pretty, yes. Warm, no. So, off we trucked to the men's section. I don't care if I'm wearing a man hat as long as my ears are warm. I found a hat with furry ear flaps on it. It fit the bill. I'm all about having warm ears. I'm miserable if my ears are cold---so I don't really care if I look like Nanook of the North as long as I have toasty warm ears.
On a positive note...moving to Ohio will give me ample opportunity to wear all my nice warm sweaters. I love sweaters...and the truth is Tennessee never gave me a good chance to model my sweaters. It would be chilly in the morning and by afternoon I was boiling. Go figure. BUT here I will get my use out of my sweaters, I might even wear two sweaters at a time! (you know for that extra layering effect)
I've also come to truly appreciate hot liquids. Coffee, hot chocolate....something to warm hands and insides.
So, if you happen to ever be in Rushsylvania, Ohio in the winter and you see a lady wearing a furry ear flap hat, holding a hot chocolate.....that might just be me. Make sure to say hi....I might even share my hot chocolate with you:)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just My Luck

Well, the kids and I are to leave today, to drive to Ohio, after my son's orthodontist appointment. Now that wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that it is raining....and not just a drizzle. It is a full out Noah's Ark kind of a day. I keep looking out the window to see if the animals are walking off in pairs. Good grief. The kids and I are to load the car with our suitcases, toiletry bags, camera, computer bags, a game, the kids school books, our coats/hats/scarves, etc. etc. We are not what one would call "light" travelers. We are more like the "cram everything in the trunk but the kitchen sink" travelers.
Maybe God will do us a favor? Stop the rain for a brief window of time while we pack the we don't look like a family of drowned rats as we travel.
Okay. Enough of my complaining. If the fish can live like this, then I suppose I can too. Wish me luck. I'm getting ready to swim out to the car.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another Incident At Walmart

I'm telling you what! Every time I go to Walmart something happens to me. I must have a big bulls eye painted on my forehead. I got what I needed at the store. I walked carefully towards my car. I managed to avoid all crazy holiday drivers. I got to my Camry and an SUV the size of Texas is parked next to me. He left me about 1 1/2 inches to open my drivers side door and exhale any bit of air I had in my lungs in order to squeeze in. You know the type...the guy that parks NOT in the middle of the parking spot, but right on the yellow line that divides the space. I guess when you have an SUV that size you take up A LOT of space. UGH!! Now, you might be saying why didn't you go around to the other side of the car and climb in? People. People. People. I don't relish the thought of squeezing in on that side either. Then I'd have to open the passenger door and climb over the seat--making sure not to get mud all over it, since it had rained all night and all day, straddling the gear shift and pitching forward, cracking my head on the rear view mirror and landing on the car horn on the steering wheel......
Not that I've ever done that, you understand, it's totally hypothetical. Don't laugh. I know you are.

So, on with my story.... After I finally got in my car and readjusted my ribcage I started to pull out very slowly. VERY slowly because I couldn't see around the huge honkin' SUV to my left. I creep out. I finally get half way into the aisle before I can see and there are no cars coming so I finish pulling out. As I come up the aisle I STOP. There in front of me wanting to make a turn in MY direction is a HUGE red fire truck. In the Walmart parking lot. So, I can't go forward and the driver of that big red truck for sure can't turn around so I start backing up....and backing up.....and backing up. The pickup truck that was directly behind in the aisle wasn't going to back up at first. HELLO. Do you see the big red truck???? Move it Buster or he's running us over. Well, we both did get backed up and the friendly, young fireman driving the truck waved at me. He probably hates the Walmart parking lot as much as I do.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I just heard that a woman in Wilmington, N.C doesn't want Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer sang at her child's Christmas program at school. She is claiming it is a religion based song and should not be sang in a public school. That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! That song has nothing to do with the actual TRUE meaning of Christmas which is the birth of Jesus Christ. That is most definitely a secular Christmas song. Turns out this woman is Jewish and is probably miffed because she wanted a Jewish song sung at the program and it wasn't. The thing is Christmas is not a Jewish holiday.
I'm telling you what, our society has become terrible about suing if we don't get our way. "If I can't do it, then I'm going to make sure no one else can either" seems to be the motto. Sad, isn't it? I remember Christmas programs when I was in elementary school. We sang all sorts of Christmas songs. Gasp! We even sang religious Christmas songs like, Silent Night and God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman...and yes, I do remember singing a song about spinning a dreidel for those friends who were Jewish. I don't remember anyone getting in a tizz over that. I guess the people in the 70's (when I was in grade school) were a lot more sane then people are today.
Christmas has been more and more secularized as the years go on... Which is terribly sad to me. Christmas IS a religious holiday. Christmas IS the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is NOT a sin to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to someone instead of happy holidays. I am tired of all this "politically correct" mumbo jumbo.
Here is a short article by Michael Reagan about this same topic. Take time to read through it......and I wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

"Christmas is once again upon us, and we can expect to witness countless new displays of the rampant secularization of what is meant to be a joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Frankly I'm fed up with seeing federal, state and local governments, local and nationwide chain stores, and even the White House -- which last year couldn't call their Christmas Party a Christmas party -- all of them giving in to the intimidation of a handful of secular progressives who loathe Christianity and any celebration associated with it. Despite the fact that close to 90 percent of all Americans are Christians -- and that along with Easter, Christmas is one of the two most sacred days in the Christian calendar -- we have allowed a tiny minority among us to turn Christ's birthday celebration into a secular holiday devoid of any religious significance whatsoever. Merely to greet another by saying 'Merry Christmas' is now deemed politically incorrect and potentially offensive to non-Christians, and is thus taboo. Pity the poor store employee who dares to greet customers with this traditional salutation instead of uttering the meaningless 'Happy Holiday.' Municipalities large and small tremble in fear of being charged with violating the hallowed creed of separation of church and state if they allow the erection of a crèche or Christmas tree on city property, or dare to call the tree anything other than a 'holiday' tree. Obviously, any mention of the holiday's correct title -- Christmas -- is absolutely verboten. It has long been clear that the sole official purpose of the so-called holiday season is to boost the economy with an orgy of buying Christmas presents from establishments which insult us by strenuously avoiding calling them Christmas gifts. ... Have a Merry Christmas. And don't be afraid to say that loud and clear to everyone."

--radio talk show host Michael Reagan

Monday, December 8, 2008

Winter In Ohio Poem

I found this poem about winter in Ohio and it cracked me up. Check it out. Is this what I have to look forward to as I get ready to move to the winter?!


This is from Gary Eubank's site. I blogged about Obama's birth certificate a few days ago......

Monday, December 08, 2008
Supreme Court DENIES Emergency stay of Electoral College in Donofrio vs Wells
The Supreme Court has denied to consider Donfrio vs Wells. the case requesting the Court to issue a stay of the Electoral College beyond December 15th. This is more troubling because the Court has not issued any comments to give anyone direction on how it might be changed to arouse their willingness to reconsider.

There are still a minimum of five other suits headed to the Supreme Court. More appear to headed that direction. This issue has always leaned toward an issue before the states and not the court, but I had really hoped the court would either at least consider the case or provide comments.. Perhaps one at the state level will accomplish what is needed. This is not the end for a fight regarding Obama's qualifications, it is just the beginning.

case is 08A407

Friday, December 5, 2008

Why doesn't he just show his birth certificate?

I'm sure most of you haven't heard the question about Barak Obama's birth certificate.  This is probably because the news media has a blackout on this.  This is a legitimate concern that a lot of people want a legitimate answer to, but Mr. Obama refuses to allow anyone to see his long form birth certificate. He has it  sealed along with any school records, name change paperwork... anything that would give a clue as to whether he truly is a natural born citizen...or not. Do you know that there have been SEVERAL cases in United States courts trying to get to the bottom of this?  Do you know that it  has gone to the Supreme Court of this great country?

This is not an unimportant question.  The answer to this question makes all the difference. For him. For us. For this country. Our founding fathers didn't make being a natural born citizen a necessary criteria to be a congressman, a governor, or many other political offices.  The president MUST be a natural born citizen. Period.  End of discussion.

Now if this were you or me, wouldn't we want to show our official birth certificate (not a copy) to PROVE that we were indeed natural born citizens? Well, wouldn't we? Of course we would! So why is he so secretive?

Look at these sites. This is real.

Bizzaro Dreams

Lately, I've been having some really strange dreams. Now, I've always had dreams and most of the time they are fairly vivid and most of the time I remember them.  The past several nights though it's been Alice In Wonderland kind of stuff. I think my mind has so much stuff in it right now that it is over loaded. With the holidays and all the shopping, the packing for the big move to Ohio, talking to Scott about the house we are building and all those details, plus the kids schooling, and just the everyday details of life and, well, my mind starts with the crazy dreams. You know something? Wouldn't it be funny if there was a way to record all our dreams? I don't mean a journal, I mean like DVD  movie record. Some of mine would be watching my childhood dog sing Happy Birthday to me....while sitting  on the top of my cake. (And NO...I was not under the influence of anything!)  Or they could be scary like the dream where I was standing in a field, but I couldn't run--and a tornado was coming right for me! Or just recently I was driving an old pickup truck with my husband as the passenger when my teeth just started to fall out. That was really creepy. I read that, that particular dream has something to do with how I feel about my appearance. That is true. I don't do my training/workouts like I used to and it shows. Ugh. That's going to change because  I don't want any more teeth falling out dreams. I woke up crying from that one.  It really freaked me out.  I do have "a thing" about my teeth. I'm really attached to them...and I plan for it to stay that way!

I do find it interesting how our subconscious mind figures things out while we sleep. How our dreams are usually connected to something that has to do with our waking moments. It's amazing how we are able to connect things of significance that are "filed away" in our brain. How our brains pulls it all together is beyond me.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Simple Life--Today

FOR TODAY (12/3/08)…
Outside my window….. the sun is shining, with a slight breeze blowing.
I am thinking… that I have a list of things to get done today.
I am thankful for… my hard working husband.
From the learning rooms…it is very quiet....lots of reading today:)
From the kitchen…I am going to make some cinnamon streusel.
I am wearing…a fluffy green bath robe. I've been awake for a long time, just not dressed.
I am creating…a good schedule/calendar.
I am going…to pack some more stuff.
I am reading…a book by Debbie Macomber entitled Where Angels Go.
I am hoping…that we get into our new house by the end of January. This was my wish the last time I did this and it continues to be my wish!
I am hearing…..the the TV news on in the background.
Around the house…it looks like a storage unit. Oh the joys of packing!
One of my favorite things…is snuggling in my new blanket.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Christmas shopping, packing, running errands.

From the Simple Woman’s Daybook—–

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

20 Wishes

Yesterday evening I was emailing back and forth with my aunt. We were discussing books. I told her that I had started a new book by Debbie Macomber. She told me that she's read several of her books and she sent me a excerpt from one of the books about 20 wishes.

I found that book excerpt interesting. 20 wishes. What would my 20 wishes be? What 20 things would I want or want to  accomplish in order to make those 20 wishes come true? Seriously. Not just some flip thing where one writes downs I wish for a trillion dollars and to look like a super model. Those aren't wishes...those are fantasies. I mean real wishes.....things I could possibly accomplish if I set my mind to it.

What are your 20 wishes? What do you wish for in this life? How will you make them come true?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Once Upon A Time...

"A man is known by the books he reads."

"A room without books is like a body without a soul." --Cicero

"What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though." ---J.D Salinger

"An ordinary man can surround himself with books...and thence forward have at least one place in the world in which it is possible to be happy." ---Augustine Birrell

Those of you that are book enthusiasts....and life long readers will understand. I love my books. I read them, and many times I reread them. In some of my books I've highlighted passages that I don't want to forget. Yes, I admit sometimes when I don't have a bookmark I dog ear my books. (don't tell any librarians) I have books on everything. My interests have varied over the years and my books show that. Funny books, sad books, passionate books, old books and thought provoking books. To me the spoken word is powerful, but oh how much more powerful is the written word!  When words are written down they can be read over and over again.

Books take me to places I have never been, through time to places I've never known. My mind reads the details and creates wonderful word pictures. That is why books are almost always better then any movie ever made. It is difficult for even the best director to create characters and places that were first created in the imagination. They continue to try.

Call me crazy. Say I have a screw loose. I don't care.  I am most excited about the library in our soon to be finished new house. I've always wanted a library. Walls of  shelves, a big squishy chair (the kind one can curl up in) a cozy rug on the floor for laying on while pouring over big picture books. A quiet place in an otherwise loud and noisy house. My sanctuary.